Best Practices for Writing Meaningful Code Comments: A Technical Guide

iQ Innovation Hub LLP
5 min readJun 7, 2023


At iQ Innovation Hub, We strive to achieve standard practices in coding. As a software engineer, I strive to achieve standard practices in coding. As a technical lead for mobile application development, I understand the significance of clean and maintainable code. However, alongside writing efficient code, it is crucial to incorporate meaningful comments that provide valuable insights and aid in understanding and maintaining the codebases. Well-crafted code comments not only improve code readability but also enhance collaboration among team members. In this article, we will explore the standards and best practices for writing impactful code comments that can greatly benefit your development process.

Why Meaningful Code Comments Matter

Effective code comments serve as a powerful communication tool, offering valuable information about the code. Here’s why meaningful code comments are crucial:

  1. Enhanced Code Readability: Well-written comments help developers understand the purpose, functionality, and intricate details of the code without having to decipher it solely based on the code itself. For example, consider the following comment:
// Calculate the average of the given numbers
double average = (sum / count);

This comment provides clarity and ensures that other developers can easily understand the purpose of the code.

  1. Simplified Collaboration: Meaningful comments facilitate collaboration among team members, enabling seamless knowledge transfer and code reviews.
  2. Efficient Maintenance: Codebases with meaningful comments are easier to maintain, as they provide essential context and explanations, enabling developers to quickly identify and address issues or make enhancements.
  3. Onboarding Assistance: New team members can grasp the codebase more swiftly when accompanied by well-documented comments that provide an overview of the application’s architecture, key components, and dependencies.

Now let’s dive into the best practices for writing meaningful code comments:

  1. Comment Purposefully and Strategically

Every code comment should serve a specific purpose and add value. Consider the following guidelines:

  • Explain Complex Logic: Use comments to clarify intricate algorithms, calculations, or complex decision-making processes. Highlight the intention behind the code to make it more understandable.
# Perform matrix multiplication using the Strassen algorithm
result = strassen_multiply(matrix1, matrix2)
  • Document Assumptions: If you make any assumptions while writing the code, explicitly mention them in the comments. This helps prevent misunderstandings and promotes collaboration.
// Assumes that the input array is sorted in ascending order
function binarySearch(array, target) {
// ...
  • Provide Context: Describe the broader context of a code section, such as its relationship to other modules or its role in the overall application architecture. This helps newcomers quickly grasp the purpose and flow of the codebase.
// This function handles the network request and parses the JSON response
func fetchUserData() {
// ...
  • Warn of Potential Issues: If you identify any known issues or potential pitfalls within the code, document them in the comments. This alerts other developers and encourages them to approach the code with caution.
// Warning: This method may cause a memory leak if not disposed properly
public void InitializeResource() {
// ...

2. Consistent Formatting for Readability

Consistent formatting makes code comments more readable and professional. Adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Proper Spacing: Leave a space after the comment delimiter (“//”, “///”,“/*”, or “#”) and maintain consistent indentation. Align comments with surrounding code to improve visual clarity.
/// A Material Design "elevated button".
/// Use elevated buttons to add dimension to otherwise mostly flat
/// layouts, e.g. in long busy lists of content, or in wide
/// spaces. Avoid using elevated buttons on already-elevated content
/// such as dialogs or cards.
/// An elevated button is a label [child] displayed on a [Material]
/// widget whose [Material.elevation] increases when the button is
/// pressed. The label's [Text] and [Icon] widgets are displayed in
/// [style]'s [ButtonStyle.foregroundColor] and the button's filled
/// background is the [ButtonStyle.backgroundColor].
/// The elevated button's default style is defined by
/// [defaultStyleOf]. The style of this elevated button can be
/// overridden with its [style] parameter. The style of all elevated
/// buttons in a subtree can be overridden with the
/// [ElevatedButtonTheme], and the style of all of the elevated
/// buttons in an app can be overridden with the [Theme]'s
/// [ThemeData.elevatedButtonTheme] property.
/// The static [styleFrom] method is a convenient way to create a
/// elevated button [ButtonStyle] from simple values.
/// If [onPressed] and [onLongPress] callbacks are null, then the
/// button will be disabled.
class ElevatedButton extends ButtonStyleButton {
  • Line Length: Limit your comments to a reasonable line length, typically 80–100 characters, to ensure readability across different devices and code editors.
# This method performs a depth-first search to find the target node
def depth_first_search(node, target):
# ...
  • Comment Placement: Place comments above the code they refer to, rather than inline. This makes it easier to locate comments when scrolling through code files.
// Validate the user input
if (isValidInput(input)) {
// ...

3. Clarity and Conciseness

Clear and concise comments are crucial for effective communication. Follow these guidelines:

  • Descriptive Names: Choose meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes, reducing the need for excessive comments. Well-named entities make your code self-explanatory.
// Calculate the area of the rectangle
int rectangleArea = length * width;
  • Avoid Redundancy: Comments should complement the code, not duplicate it. Avoid rephrasing the code in comments; instead, provide additional insights that cannot be inferred from the code alone.
# Increment the counter
counter += 1
  • Regular Updates: Keep comments up to date with the code changes. Outdated comments can mislead developers and cause confusion.

“Obsolete comments are worse than no comments.” — Douglas Crockford

// This function calculates the factorial of a given number
func factorial(n: Int) -> Int {
// ...

4. Adopt a Standard Commenting Style

Adopting a standard commenting style ensures consistency across your codebase. While various styles exist, two widely used approaches are:

  • Inline Comments: Use brief inline comments to annotate specific lines or sections of code. Inline comments are typically placed after the code and are denoted by a comment delimiter (e.g., “//” in most programming languages).
// Loop through the array and print each element
foreach (var item in array) {
  • Block Comments: Block comments are used for longer explanations, such as function or module headers. They are usually enclosed within comment delimiters (e.g., “/* … */” in C-style languages).
* This function sorts the array using the bubble sort algorithm.
* It iterates through the array multiple times, swapping adjacent elements
* until the array is sorted in ascending order.
function bubbleSort(array) {
// ...

Choose the style that aligns with your team’s preferences and the specific needs of your project.


Writing meaningful code comments is an essential skill for developers and plays a crucial role in code readability, collaboration, and maintenance. By adhering to the best practices outlined in this article, you can enhance the quality of your codebase and streamline the development process. Remember, purposeful commenting, consistent formatting, clarity, and adopting a standard commenting style are key to writing impactful code comments. So, let’s embrace these standards and take our code documentation to the next level!

This blog is written & published by — Sarvesh who is leading the way in mobile app wizardry at iQ Innovation Hub. He is transforming ideas into stunning mobile applications since last 7 years 📲. Currently his favourite framework for mobile application development is flutter using which he is also building web apps with a single codebase.



iQ Innovation Hub LLP
iQ Innovation Hub LLP

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